Sunday, June 6, 2010

What can happen in only a fraction of a second...

Lesson learned...

anything wrong with this seemingly peaceful picture?...
look closely...

Yes...THAT would be about 4-5 oz of spilled milk...but not just milk...a friggin BROKEN....GLASS...bottle, ughhhhhhh. Yeah yeah...don't cry over spilled milk, it. But you know, I never thought silly things like this would happen to me. Yeah okay, that sounds a little nieve on my part, but I'm serious. I even thought to myself, and ignored my better judgement: "hum, maybe just give her the plastic bottle, sure you have to take an extra 2 minutes (or less) to actually WASH one first...but then you'll avoid the inevitable "I'm done" toss to the ground move...nah, she'll be fine with a glass bottle, what could happen? I'm right next to her." But no...I must've been taking stupid pills that day.

You seriously turn your back, not even...I turned like, maybe 90 degrees away for less than a second and BAM....*whistling sound* - bottle overboard.


Then, as if in full on slow mo, while of course trying to pull off some gnarly Mission Impossible move in attempts of catching it on it's 90 mph trip downwards (that kid's gotta arm!)....I yell out: "KAPPRIII...NOOOOOOO!!!!"

Um what? We are on a serious say no to "NO" kick...grr, I cannot believe I just cracked & said it. *DOH* (slam palm to forehead). Oh well, that sorta gave me a valid reason to say it right? In emergency scenarios only. That glass went EV.erywhere. That was not fun to clean & she had no clue what just happend. OH, and I was barefoot.


Kiddos eh? Gotta love em.    ;-P

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I think its hard not to say "no"... We barely say it and Riley at 18 months has never said it to us. Sure she shakes her head but she still has yet to utter the words! I'm sure this time was okay:)

    Its kind of funny that kids are capable of making messes as soon as we turn our backs. Only takes a few seconds, haha. Its like they wait...


Would love to hear what you think!! {sorry for the 'word verification' box, I just really hate SPAM comments}