Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy Bday America & Nate!

Last Sunday we had a fun day in the sun over at Nate & Niki's house...BBQ, friends, babies & splish splashin in the pool. Nate turned the big 3-0 and they decided to set up an AWESOME 'nacho bar' in their dinning room. So. Good. Going to swipe that idea at some point, hehe!! We'll also be celebrating his bday again along with Niki's 30th in Vegas on Aug. 6 - cannot wait.

Then we got changed & went down to the pool (inland area)...where it was fantastically empty. Not one person was there but us...everyone must've had the wrong genious idea of going to the coast...Ohhh had they known what a crappy day it turned out to be all day. Clouds & crowds, ick.

I just love to watch Kapri kick around & giggle when she get's in ANY amount of water...pool, beach, bath, doesn't matter - it's all just the best thing on earth for her. When I say 'wanna go splish splash' - she flips out, seriously. I love my lil water baby! I on the other hand, didn't seem too fond of the ocean as a baby:

Anyway, here are a few fun pics of the day:

3 peas in a pod, all decked out in the red, white & blue

Ummm, I think I'll show you how big I am...

Soooooooooooo big

Seriously...freaking...adorable little Audrey

Little man Pierce, he looks so happy, love how he's holding his hands!

1 comment:

  1. ahhhh all 3 of these babies are the cutest!!!! when i come to SD i want to see kapri, it is a must. she is getting so big and her face is looking soooo much like you and james, i love it.


Would love to hear what you think!! {sorry for the 'word verification' box, I just really hate SPAM comments}