Sunday, July 18, 2010

MC - Day TEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Holy crap I made it...10 whole freakin days a champ I might add. And listen to this...we went to the movies to see Inception (CRAZY movie p.s., that I'll have to watch at least 2 or 3 more times) with Amanda & Steve, and James had the nerve to indulge in my arch enemy...Mr. Cheesy Nacho - O. M. G. they smelt & looked delish! But I resisted...not even one single LICK of cheesy goodness. Pat on the back for me, bravo!

Anyway, I went through the day sooo excited to just say "this is my last day juicing these damn lemons". We had planned to head to Moonlight Beach of was packed, Kapri slept exactly from 10-12 as planned/hoped, sunscreen was slathered on...we headed out and BAM...thick gloomy overcast "marine layer" they call it here by the coast. Literally, it's 3.5 mile/11-min drive West from our house (where there was not ONE cloud in the sky). So, we made a quick U-turn & headed to our pool...Amanda & Steve met us there too. She went nuts with beach toy paraphernalia...too bad K couldn't play with it all IN the sand, this time at least, haha:

She also got these adorable lil sunglasses, which normally Kapri would rip right off her face, but she literally kept them on the entire time!!! So stylish:

I love fun pool days with the fam!
Look how tan our lil water baby is...Definitely has a lil of James' skin tone in there:

1 comment:

  1. these are the cutest pictures ever and you look soo skinny yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!


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