Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day{s} 2013

I love when ONE special day get's split between a few birthdays for example - they're more often than not, divided into a few different dinners/lunches, with varying family/friends...and this Mother's Day was similar.

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It started on Wed. May 8th with a "Mother's Day Breakfast" at K's school... just me & munchkin... she was SO excited in the days leading up to it...I know she cherishes the time just her & I spend mother/daughter bonding - as I do too of course!

She made me a 'picture frame' with her cute face in it, and a cut out of me with a bejeweled pink dress, and awesome 'flower hands'!

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Along with the sweetest card...these things I will seriously treasure FOREVER:

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And a pretty awesome bouquet of  'paper' flowers:

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Then Sunday morning we met up with 2 other fams & their kids for brunch at Cody's La Jolla - seriously LOVED everything about this cute little place! It had pretty great reviews on Yelp, and was able to accommodate 6 adults and 5 it was a win/win!

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I wore this dress that I made for myself the night before...using an old yellow tank top and 2 yards of grey stretch jersey cotton that I scored on sale...and made the belt from an old body-pillow case, love it!

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Then we walked down along the coast to check out the seals, as we do each Mother's Day... it was nice to let the kids run around & get out some energy...before heading back for naptime!

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As K napped, James & I laid out in our patio with a little Prosecco...

Later that day I made 3 tubs of homemade playdough for K to play with {so cool!}, while I began to make this seriously BOMB banana coconut bread - from here.

Then Kapri & I let dad hang out at home, while we picked up some dinner to take over to my mom's and spend some time together...she loves GramMo's house!

All in all - quite a productive day...surrounded by tons of people that I love!

I heart bein a mamma! It's tough work sometimes... but sooo many rewarding times as well that tend to stomp on the crappy ones. We definitely do a LOT as mothers/ it's nice to have a day dedicated solely to us. I may not have put my feet up ALL day, nor did I get to sleep in... but the things I did do, were part of who I am, and what makes me happy....what makes me 'mom'.

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