Monday, July 8, 2013

BFF Playdate

Kapri & I had the pleasure of having her friend/school-mate over for the entire day last Friday. As school was closed both on the 4th & 5th, I had taken the 5th off & offered to have Chloe over for a super fun playdate.

We started the morning with some banana/coconut bread & a movie on our famous 'couch bed' assembled on the floor. Then the girls played both upstairs & down....dress up, dolls, name it!

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Then as the sun decided to come out we got in our bathing suits & walked over to our pool - which we had all to ourselves most of the time!

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As we walked back home, the girls found flowers to pick to make a special 'mommy bouquet'...too cute. I was the 'picker' and they were the 'holders'.

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Then we changed & took another walk down to 7-Eleven for a special afternoon treat to cool off... yay for popsicles!! I know come prepared for such walks... my fab plastic-lined burlap bag to hold a small produce bag (for trash after), my money, phone, and TONS of napkins & wet-wipes! We showed Chloe our 'popsicle tree', that K & I like to sit under while we's the best little shaded spot. Thank GOODNESS for napkins...I used every. single. one.  Those popsicles were melting SO fast, dripping down little fingers, hands & arms... down to knees, shins & toes... loved their adorable strawberry-bar covered faces afterward! Ahh summer fun.

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Then we walked home & took turns racing up & down the sidewalks & green belts....getting out all the sugar-fuel....hoping that'd help with each of them falling fast asleep later that night!

Finally we started our "Pizza Friday", with dough & ingredients from our fav - Trader Joe's...along with my delish homemade almond pesto! As we were finishing up, Chloe's mamma arrived & we all had our homemade dinner together. LOVE these kind of days!!! And could these girls be any cuter?? Such fun!

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