Saturday, October 26, 2013

Run to Fight Children's Cancer {Ronan Foundation}

If you follow or have seen/heard of the "Rock Star Ronan" blog - you've likely cried a time or two...and been affected immensely by this woman's story. I first heard of her after hearing Taylor Swift perform the song "Ronan" on Stand Up2Cancer that aired on TV back in Sept. 2012.

I sobbed. Kinda uncontrollably.If you haven't heard it...please do warned, grab a BOX of tissues first:

After it ended, I immediately looked up who 'Ronan' was and I cried more reading post after post of this mom's blog. It's incredibly heartbreaking....yet, inspiring to see her gradually working through the daily ins & outs of something that NO ONE should have to go through.

My dear friend Nic also reads the Ronan blog...and when we both saw that there was a 5K coming to San Diego called "Run to Fight Children's Cancer" - we knew immediately that we had to do it was our small way of showing support. Support for all the kids fighting cancer, those who have beat it, those who have lost their battle, and support for all their family & friends affected by this terrible word: C-A-N-C-E-R

I haven't run a race of any kind since the Rock 'n Roll 1/2 Marathon back in June 2012 {read ALL about that HERE} - so I was definitely a bit anxious for this one...though it was only 3 miles, compared to 13!!, I knew we could do it...

We showed up bright & early, dressed in our purple & gold...ready to RUN. There were lots of families there, including kids that were either fighting cancer or were in remission -- and those kids were given little capes to wear that said: "Cancer Fighting Super Hero":
  Post by Run to Fight Children's Cancer.  Seriously great idea!

It was a beautiful course, around the bay through Point Loma...and at the end I made us SPRINT...then we finished, huffing & puffing... tears came to our eyes. If they have this race here again, we'll definitely be there!

 photo RuntoFightCancer_zps4eea67e0.jpg

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