Saturday, February 13, 2010

Love is in the air...and kitchen!

A few weeks ago, I happily stumbled upon a FABULOUS site called Bakerella - this. chick. is. ahh. mazing. As soon as I saw these little "Cake Balls" & "Cake Pops" I was hooked & had my mind set on making these for Valentine's day this year for my co-workers, friends & family.

Last Thursday night I whipped these bad boys up...and literally was up soooo late getting them done in time to bring to work on Friday. But for my first time, I have to say they came out pretty DAMN good...I definitely know what I will & will not do for next time (trust me, there will be a next time VERY soon)...but all-in-all, I think they were a big hit!

I made almost 100 total of both Red Velvet cake & Chocolate cake pops...the RV ones were dipped in milk chocolate and the Choc ones were dipped in pink/vanilla chocolate...YUM-O. I never use this word but feel it absolutely necessary to use it with these scrumptious little balls of heaven--that sounds weird...but seriously...TOO good...they're flavorful, super moist and somewhat dangerous if you end up with a lil extra in your fridge 

It was definitely worth the time spent doing it!!


  1. ok, those look amazing! Yum! Love that blog too!

  2. I was going to make these:) I love Bakerella.

    Yours came out so well!

  3. Thanks girls...yes, Bakeralla is one of a kind for sure...can't wait to try out different the CHEESECAKE BALLS!!!

  4. these pictures came out professional and they were DAMN good..........i love balls. bakerella balls that is! i wanna try out mini cupcakes with you!!!

  5. Hahahaha, thx BAM!! Those were seriously taken with my BB!! Thank you Picnik, haha!!


Would love to hear what you think!! {sorry for the 'word verification' box, I just really hate SPAM comments}