Saturday, March 6, 2010

Farewell Andersons :-(

Last night I said an extremely tearful goodbye to some dear friends....Kate & Gregg Anderson. They are moving up to northern California to be closer to their family, pursue other job opportunities & just experience a new life together. Kate is actually staying with the 'Sense, just transferring up to our NorCal office...I still just can't believe it. Not but a few months ago, Kate had told a few of us girls at lunch that she & her hubby were "80% sure" that they wanted to move. Now suddenly, it has become a reality and they're off.

We "celebrated" their upcoming journey by getting together for happy hour after work. James got a little of my cold, so he unfortunately stayed home...he really should've come though, so he could've drove us...because I was a complete SAP, crying the whole way home. I hate goodbyes.

Anyway - Kate & I meet only a few years ago, actually...right around the time that I was hired at "the 'Sense". She was hired only a few months later in the same position! She then moved up the ladder & onto a handful of different positions, bettering herself every step of the way. I really look up to her, not only as a dedicated worker, but as a person in general. All around she has such a positive outlook on life, yet has a 'tell it like it is' personality, has a fabulous fashion sense and is suuuuper crazy creative. I honestly don't know if there's one person that has crossed paths with her, that wouldn't like her.

Kate - I know you'll probably be the first one to read this my little "BAM", probably while you're on the I just want you to know that I love you have definitely touched my life in more ways than one...and I'm so grateful to call you a friend. Please don't ever change (that sounds sooo highschool yearbook, but it's true damnit!!) - the world needs more people like you. I know you & Gregg will do great things (including making beautiful babies someday, hehe) and I can't wait to hear about the new life that you guys create up there. I already miss you sooo much, and James & I will definitely be planning a road trip up there soon. Stay in touch & keep that bloggy blog up to date!!!

 The girls!

Amanda, Me, Kate & Lynn - who played a MAJOR role in planning all 3 of our beautiful weddings. She also recently married Tim, who was James & my officiant at our wedding. We seriously LOVE HER...words cannot describe our appreciation for her!

OH, and here was our last 'Sense crew lunch together with Kate at KO Pizza (so yum)

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Would love to hear what you think!! {sorry for the 'word verification' box, I just really hate SPAM comments}