Sunday, September 19, 2010

Women's Networking Breakfast

Friday morning I went to a Women's Networking Breakfast, hosted by the San Diego chapter of SCORE - San Diego - who is part of a national association which serves as a resource partner with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). These breakfasts take place about every 4 months, and each have a different keynote speaker, discussing unique topics. Today's speaker was a women named Wendi Brick, who discussed how to win & keep customers - it was a lot of valuable information and she was a great storyteller - I like that in a good speaker.

Anyway - I got there around 7:45am, was one of the first (I think there were about 100 women there in total), so fortunately I got to pick one of the best seats/tables in the room...which I later found included the speaker as well. I set down my things, then headed over to a table dedicated to all the attendees business cards & company info. I made some cute 1/2 page brochures to set down along with my cards. Then I grabbed some needed coffee & checked out the exhibitor tables outside...but it was kinda misty & damp, so I went back in to mingle...couldn't let my freshly curled hair go flat!!

I met tons of great women entrepenuers and exchanged a lot of biz's alllll about the networking! I definitely plan on attending more breakfasts in the future, as well as some other workshops offered by SCORE. I highly recommend them to all small biz owners!!


  1. i am so proud of you! you are learning so much and going to move up so quickly! yessssssssssssss


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