Friday, November 12, 2010

My 1st handmade wreath!

Not sure why I've never made a wreath before...they are so versatile, work with multiple seasons/holidays, and are so adorable! While perusing the web for fun craft ideas, I stumbled upon a blog called: "It's a Priceless Life" - she finds inexpensive ways to craft & shares it with the world.'s her $3 Wreath blog that I bookmarked a week or two ago - and I finally spent the last 2 nights creating this simple & unique fall wreath!

Though upon it's completion - I was stumped on where I actually want to hang it. Originally I had it on our front door, with the little "M" ornament in the middle - I have that on my door all the time, but thought it looked cute right in the middle.
Cell phone pic...with bad I had to spruce it up ;-)

Then I took it upstairs to our bedroom...tried on our, not so much

Tried on our dresser

Then lastly I put it up above our bed...where I've been wanting to put a framed picture or something for almost 2 years now! I DEFinitely think this is the perfect home for this wreath, right above our bed in that big empty space (ew...hate my bedding though...need new everything!!)

But, then I realized that no one will see it & admire it's back down to the front door - but only temporarily because I found that Kapri can alllllmost reach it. Lucky me, I bought 2, $1 wooden wreaths at the dollar store...and I have an extra pack of 200 coffee filters. So I'll be making another, but with shorter ribbon on the top, so it doesn't hang down as low. PS...if you're going to tackle this fun project, make sure to have enough glue sticks on hand...surprisingly, I went through like, 7 sticks!!!

1 comment:

  1. I adore this wreath, great work! I am also loving the giraffe bedding!


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