Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day of hearts

Oh Valentine's day...a day to love & be loved. Some like it, some don't. It's definitely a 'hallmark' holiday - but I fall into the 'like it' category. James & I don't go over the top or anything...it's just a nice day to remember what we have, that we love the most...and be grateful for it. Although Kapri doesn't understand it yet, we still got her a cute little card and both wrote a little blurb in it - I think it'll be cute for her to look back on. This year my verrry pretty flowers came to my work a few days early on Friday. I work from home on Monday... so James wanted to make sure I got them early while at work. That's always a nice gift to have on your desk ;-) They are blooming now & making our house smell DEvine.

Then after James came home from work yesterday, we left K with her auntie SiSi & flew out the door to try & catch the sunset at Moonlight Beach. Of course...we missed it. Well, we saw it from our car, while 1 light away from the beach...but oh well!
Then we parked & walked past numerous other loving couples, down the sand to find a perfect spot amongst the rocks to snuggle, indulge in some wine & treats...and just relax for a moment together...the later is a luxury that we really don't get too often. I absolutely *HEART* our nifty wine case. It's so awesome. It's a large, metal case with a heavy duty strap...and inside houses the wine on the left and 2 glass on the right. And there's a thick flap in the middle that has the wine opener, wine stopper, and 2 little fabric napkins... all secured by velcro & button straps. Best. Wedding. Gift. EVER!
I also brought some scrumptious red velvet cake balls & chocolate covered strawberries. Amazing & perfect with wine. It was freezing...but worth it to have some snuggle time with my lovey. Then we had a 5-star dinner at none other than In-N-Out...YUM!!

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