Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Pretty little starfish

I love to blog hop. It can be a problem occasionally, with too much time that goes by without me realizing it...but, it can also be soooo inspirational - I love how this craft spark has lit in me over the last year or so, ever since I started hopping around on countless of fabulous, ingenious, seriously talented blogs. Recently I stumbled on this fun starfish display frame, done by "Charcoal & Crayons" - and saved it to my HUGE bookmark folder of 'craft tutorials'. The amount of 'tuts' I actually get around to making, is small...but I have plenty on my to-do list!

Well, I finally got around to making it (now that I'm no longer focused on K's bday planning)...and this took me all but 30 minutes to whip out...with only a glue gun, some dollar store ribbon, and a shadow box that I got at Michael's for 40% off.... Score. Isn't she pretty??!

I have 3 of these little guys saved from our wedding almost 4 years ago - which were placed on/around our wedding {cheese}cakes. yum. They've collected dust in a frame/shelf thingy up on our wall ever since. At least it's nice to know that I have preserved at least ONE, should anything happen to the other 2 down the road. I should've measured the spaces I had available on this shelf, but alas, one little spot worked out perfectly! I love it.
Total 'iPhone' pics...ahh well. I'm too lazy/busy to take on my regular camera, go upstairs to my computer, plug in the USB, upload, save & upload again to Blogger.


  1. Looks Fantastic! I love how your display all ties into your wedding... it makes it so special!

  2. It looks very cozy. I like the idea of using a starfish as an interior decor element. Haven't you think about starting business here as a craftsman? I am sure you will succeed.


Would love to hear what you think!! {sorry for the 'word verification' box, I just really hate SPAM comments}