Sunday, August 21, 2011

K's 1st trip to D'land CA Adventures

Yesterday was suchhhh a fun filled day! We spent it celebrating with James' family, for our niece's 4th birthday at Disneyland California Adventures. It started early (with K waking with a slight running bueno!), meeting up with everyone to jump on a 13 passenger rented bus - such a fun way to make the hour & 1/2 trek up north! We listened to Disney princess songs...almost reliving my own childhood singing along with them.

K was sooo excited when we arrived..."DEENEElaaaand"- even though she really had NO idea what she would actually be experiencing throughout the day. But deep down, she knew it had to be good! I had prepped her a lot over the last 2 weeks...watching the Little Mermaid probably a good 14561 times - oh, and now she's terrified of the sea witch, Ursula, great. Bad mamma!!
We practically ran in the crazy heat to Ariel's Grotto, so we could make it to our 1pm lunch reservations. This place was sooo great - like dinner & a show. Once we got downstairs, we were greeted by Ariel herself, ready for pics with the kiddos. We had a big table in the back - right where each of the princesses made their appearance...however, we were last in the rotation to get a visit from each & a pic with the kids.
Thanks Auntie Jen for the adorable framed pic!

That made for a very fussy Kapri - because on top of fighting a little cold, ALL she wanted was to hang with these gorgeous princesses...and not eat any of the great (expensive) food!! sheesh...any way, after somehow managing to keep her entertained in-between each princess visit, we got some great pics & even better memories.

After that we went through the Under the Sea Adventure ride...which was awesome! Though Kapri of course was scared of that damn SEA WITCH! She cried went we got off...I think in part because of the ONE semi-scary part...but maybe more-so because she wanted to go on it again (for the good parts of course!). Then we continued to walk our way around...going on a few other rides...then finally attending the 45 min Aladdin show. Let me tell you...this. show. was. SPECtacular. I was seriously impressed with all the singing, dancing, costumes, different stage scenes, etc. No joke, I got chills more than a few times. My fav was Genie, he was hilar...made jokes that were actually relevant to current events or people (like Lindsey Lohan, Lady Gaga...too funny!). One time, when Genie "disappeared"...K thought he'd at the end of that scene, while the WHOLE audience was silent - she yells: "OHHH noooo...fall....dowwwnnn!!" Anyone in a 50 foot radius probably heard & busted up laughing.

All in all it was a fabulous day...right before we left, we treated K with her very own Ariel doll and necklace - she's obsessed (she already has Ariel sunglasses, bathingsuit, & flip flops...humm, maybe she'll be that for Halloween!!!). Once in the car, the other 2 kids passed out within minutes, while K (who skipped her nap and was a lil sicky) didn't fall asleep til we were about 10 minutes from home. GO fig. She was probably just so amazed & wound up from the excitement of it all. But when she did, man was she out!

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