Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Happy 29th to Moi!

CanNOT believe I'm TWENTY NIIIIINE today...where the hell has time gone??!! I'm actually excited about the last 360 days in my 20's and I have high hopes that it'll be a fab year!

I got some goodies yesterday & this morning it's gotten off to a great start (besides being mega sick since Sunday, boo!) But these things helped me forget all about my icky hacking cough and congested nose:
Banana Spring Rolls from PF Changs, purty flowies, yummy cupies, and TONS of email freebies for my bday, love it!

I've got 3 yummy dinners with fam planned throughout the next few days, so that'll be a nice packed blog post. I'm also slowly working on my Turkey Day / Black Friday posts too...taking much longer than expected with this damn cold. Stay tuned. ;-)

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