Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Day Family Brunch

Christmas Day started the same as last year...waking to an adorable little voice calling for "MAMMA!!" Except this year she also said "have to peeee...mammaaaa...peeeee!!", LOL - it's hilarious! Of course that leaves one of us running for the room so we can grab her & make it to the bathroom in time. We really may need to start thinking about converting her crib into a toddler bed so she can get up & do her biz in the middle of the night if she needs to.

Buuuut that's a whole other topic. Moving on...

So we went downstairs to all our gifts...opened them all one by one, while James recorded the fun.

Her very favorite, most special gift of all (from Santa of course), was her plush Toy Story dolls - Woody, Buzz, Jessie and Bullseye!



After 'our' gifts to Kapri, I got busy in the kitchen, yet again....making a yummy blueberry french toast type of casserole, laying out the dessert/gift table for our guests...

Then I finally put my famous "Holiday Casserole" in the oven while I went to get myself ready for the long day.
Recipe from link above - except I use turkey sausage and turkey bacon...and 1% milk instead of 2%. - I'd like to try it using 1 cup of EggBeaters instead of the 4 eggs to save on calories too!

In all we had 8 guests over, all fam, to feast, drink, laugh, chat...and of course, watch K open all her wonderful gifts. I love having all these people over, such a great time making cherished memories.

After many bottles of yummy Prosecco, our bellies were full and our bodies were ready to rest. K skipped her nap, but that meant early bedtime. We all ended up in bed around 6:30/7pm and it was FABulous!!

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