Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Day of Hearts!

Love is in the air...and flowers, and cards, and kisses, and yummy treats...yes, it's a "Hallmark" holiday - BUT - it's a day to simply appreciate those around you & make sure they know how much you love them. Really you don't have to 'buy' anything to express this - but hearing or seeing that expression of feelings is nice to have, regardless of who you are.

James is always good about sending me some flowies...not that I ask...he just does. This is the one 'holiday' I receive them... sometimes my bday too. But I'm not a huge "buy me flowers for every occasion" kinda gal...they're super expensive and die within a week.... 2 weeks TOPS if you treat em good. Here's my lovies:

So I took the day off from work to spend time with the fam. I wasn't planning on it, but because my running group meets Tuesday nights and because Kapri had a Valentine's Day party scheduled at preschool, I decided it was best.

Last night I actually made red velvet cake pops to take to K's school...she helped with the mixing...mamma did the rest. Cannot wait til she's hold enough to help with this whole process, haha!
wine is recommended to drink while cake popping...

Then first thing in the morning, I got up with Kapri and we made heart-shaped banana chocolate chip pancakes, courtesy of this recipe...SO. GOOD!

After eating, we got ready then gave dadda his Vday Cards...and snapped a few cute pics....

And dropped off K at school with her Valentine cards for all the kids and the cake pops:
Kapri's BFF, Chloe - only 2 weeks apart in age!

Then James & I went out for a little lunch date at a place we'd never been to before...Ki's Restaurant - in Cardiff, on 101, right across from the Charthouse. This place had awesome reviews...and the view was picture perfect...just what I wanted!
perfect day

After that we picked up Kapri, came home...and K & J took a nap...which gave me time to finally do my sister's 4 pillowcases she'd asked me to do for her new studio. She bought adorable coordinating fabrics, so I was super excited for the final outcome. Pics and a super-simple 'how-to' in my next post!  ;-)

Finally...I met up with my sister for our 50 min. group run & core strengthening session down in Mission Bay. Wow...what a packed, productive, love-filled day!

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