Monday, February 6, 2012

Super {Bowl} Sunday Funday

Yesterday was definitely a 'fun-day'...although I really could care less about 'the game'...we had a few friends & fam over to hang and of some YUM food! All this marathon training has increased my appetite a tad. And really, let's be honest....isn't the food {and beer} what Super Bowl is all about?? hahaha, to me it is - moving on...

First up is my "fruit salsa" with cinnamon-sugar chips that I swear, gets better each & every time I make it. Actually, while writing this...I'm surprised I've never used bananas in this recipe...may have to do that with the few leftover chips I have today! I was originally "PINspired" by this about a year ago... here's the super simple recipe that I like to use:

Fruit Salsa:
2 crisp apples of your choice, which I diced up pretty finely using a pulsing chopper gadget
2 kiwis, peeled & diced
1 carton of strawberries, diced
1/4 - 1/2 cup blueberries
3 tbsp raspberry jelly
3 tbsp white sugar
*Mix all, cover, chill 15 min...serve/eat within an hour or 2...longer it sits, the juicier it becomes.

Cinnamon-Sugar Chips:
10-14 flour tortillas (I like extras for later!)
1 1/2 cups white sugar
2 tbsp cinnamon (may use less next time actually)
Melted Butter or Cooking Spray (coat tortillas with then use pizza cutter to cut into 'chips')
Large zip-lock baggie (for cinn/sugar mixture - toss coated 'chips' in)
*Place coated chips on baking sheet, bake for 10 min. on 350.

Then as the pic sorta reflects below...we also had the standard chips & guac (from Costco) and homemade salsa from my brother-in-law's seriously the BEST salsa I've ever had. Everyone kept telling him that he needs to start selling it!!

Amanda made a 7-layer dip... beans, sour cream w/ taco seasoning, nacho-ish cheese, guac, shredded cheese, jalapenos & olives...AND...she made this inSANEly addictive buffalo chicken dip - which is just shredded chicken, Frank's hot sauce, & cream cheese mixed together, layer of shredded cheese on top, then baked for 30-40 min. til bubbling. mmmmmmmmm...luckily there was about 10 bites left that I quickly put in the fridge to snack on today...and already have!

James BBQ'd carne & pollo asada - both bought from Costco...already pre-marinated and so YUM.

Last up...these adorable, succulent little chocolate-covered football strawberries that I asked my sister Chelsea to make (idea here)...I first saw them on Pinterest about 6 months ago, and couldn't wait til football season to try it out. Luckily she was up for the challenge, and they turned out FAB and probably better than I could've done them:

Who won again???? I was too busy eating, HA!


  1. sign me up for that fruit salsa and cinnamon chips! Definitely a woman's treat :)

    1. haha, it really is a woman's treat, SO delish!! I even made more the next day too...mmmmm!


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