Thursday, April 19, 2012

Wooden Thread Holder

I'm so glad I attempted & succeeded in making myself a new "custom" thread holder. Like I said in this post the other day, my current holder is at it's max capacity. So I ventured out to pick up my supplies:
  • Piece of 3x1' pre-cut wood
  • Two 3' long pieces of decorative wood panels
  • Box of 3.5" long nails (wanted to have enough room to place thread spool & matching bobbin thread)

I figured I'd used my leftover teal spray paint from the mason jar vase, to color the whole thing...but more on that later...

From the 'panels', I cut & sanded 2 pieces (12" long) to be go along the top & bottom, then cut 2 pieces (34" long) to go along the sides.

Then I used wood glue to adhere those to the main piece of wood.

While the glue was drying, I decided to spray paint the nails white...I could've left them silver, but didn't think that would look as pretty. So I dug around and found an old piece of super thick poster-board...and poked the nails thru it to keep them upright...that made it easy to spray them all quickly and thoroughly. YAY!
spray painted nails - before & after

After the glue completely dried, I screwed on a toothed picture hanger on the back. Gettin closer...

Then I began to use the teal spray problem, it wasn't really adhering onto the wood!! Crap.

I realized forgot primer. Double crap.

So I got a baby wipe & tried to get off as much as a I could. Not all of it would come off.

Plan B...Acrylic Paint.

Luckily I had a few back up colors that I scored at Michael's forever ago for just $.49 each - mustard yellow and coral. Coral won. And Kapri was SO happy to help me paint with a little sponge brush! Thank goodness it was a dark enough color to cover the little bit of teal spray paint that I couldn't get off. Phew.
After the paint dried I *attempted* to put in all the nails...32 total.Only to realize this must be the STRONGEST piece of wood on the planet. The damn nails would NOT go through, and it's only like 1/2" thick...what the?? My neighbors must've wondered why there was crazy banging noises coming from my garage. My thumb & first finger on my left hand were so incredibly sore (almost raw even) from tightly holding onto the nails for so long. Oye.

Plan C...use less nails...only 21 now (sad) & bust out the cordless drill - time to get crazy.

*sigh*...another near fail. Even on the "drill hole" setting, the wood still put up a fight. I literally had to put my body weight onto the drill to get a tiny little hole...From there I dipped the tips of the nails in some E6000 glue and put them in each hole...then put another dollop of glue around the edges. I figured the aesthetics wouldn't really matter at the base of the nail, since the spool of thread would totally cover it anyway.

Then we wait...and wait...a little more glue...and a little more waiting. I. Hate. Waiting. for things to dry. It took about 4 days finally - SUCCESS!!!!

Now my beautiful thread has a beautiful little home!

I kept the other one too, which I'll use in addition to this one and will be a good place for my embroidery thread since I don't have as many of those...yet  ;-)


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you :-) Although I'm thinking I'll have to re-do this to include more nails in order to hang more thread spools!

  2. Great idea! It is very useful for those who cannot imaging the life without sewing, just like me :) resource has much interesting materials


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