Monday, May 21, 2012

Fun at the "Happiest Place On Earth"!

What. A. Day! Haven't been to Disneyland myself in over a decade and Kapri has only been to the CA Adventures side once last August. We showed her YouTub vids leading up to our trip, so she was obviously extremely excited to go once the morning was finally here!

Of course we picked a crazy hot day...but it was still fun. Next time I told James I think we should go on a Wednesday afternoon...I think maybe it'll be the least busiest day of the week - I just really despise waiting in those crazy long lines! But a Wednesday may be good...we married & had Kapri on Wednesdays! As we entered, we took the typically pic in front of the Mikey Mouse flowers, then got her special B-day badge:

Then we walked straight back to Fantasy Land - but right as we were about to go through the castle, a little band came out with some of the Disney characters and were dancing around. They had the entrance closed off for a few minutes, so we just waited because Kapri so badly wanted to go "IN" the castle, haha. We finally walked in and I took her in the Sleepy Beauty Walkthru Castle. Everything was great & fun until images of Maleficent appear and she FREAKED. Ugh, great way to start off the day!!

The Dumbo flying ride was our first - it was about a 40 min wait...a very hot wait. But K loved to control our yellow dumbo with the little lever - she kept it at the highest point most the time! Then we went over to the teacups - knew she'd flip over those. What is it with kids and spinning around til they're dizzy?? Anyway, that was fun and the line was short & shaded...ahh perfect.

Then we waited in an even HOTTER & longer line for Small World - which was WAY worth it in my opinion... 8 minutes of air-conditioned heaven while sitting in a little boat - amazing. She kept saying "look...OH...loooook....loook!!" Too cute.

After that - lunch...we found a little indoor place to escape the heat & chill for a bit.

We decided it was time to find some princesses. That's really all she wanted anyway - was to see & "hug" her fav princesses. So we walked to a little area called the "Disney Princess Fantasy Faire" and proceeded to wait in another 45-min long line...luckily this one was completely covered, thank goodness. K made friends with the 2 little girls in front of us, so that made for a pleasant wait as well.

Finally when we rounded the corner and it was our turn - Kapri lost it. Pure joy & excitement seeing the 1st (of 3) princess - Sleeping Beauty (or "Sleeping Aurora" as she kept calling her!). 2nd was Ariel and 3rd was Belle - she was in princess heaven. Literally jumping and skipping and squealing in-between each. She had really wanted to see Cinderella & Snow White too...but they weren't available. BUT, after pics with them, a little princess show was about to start in a staged area below the meet & great. So we stayed for that and Kapri at least got to see (from afar) Cinderella & Snow White as well. She cried when it was time to leave that area - of course.

Then we started to make our way back...she hadn't napped (which we figured), but with the heat & long lines...and a sleepy toddler - we knew we wouldn't make it much longer. The last thing I wanted to do was at least get her some Minne ears/hat, with her name embroidered. So we went to the Mad Hatter store near the exit, and lucky for us, the parade was about to start.

So while we waited for the embroidery, we got to watch all the fun floats, brightly-colored dancers and Disney characters go by on Main Street. Great way to end the day because she absolutely LOVED that part!

Great day!! And K was passed out within 5 minutes of getting in the car, with an unfinished lollipop in her hand. Success! haha

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