Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Juice Cleanse - Day 2

Day 2 (Tuesday – 11/6/2012)
  • Sleep: slept great, after reading other sites recommended a small glass of ‘nut’ milk an hour before bed.
  • Feeling: I’m wondering where my ‘lack of caffeine” headache is…maybe it’ll pop up tomorrow, though I’m hoping not! Overall I feel okay, not starving or deprived…I feel like I’m giving my body some well needed veggies that I don’t typically indulge in.
  • Exercise: same as yesterday - 20-min Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred, Level 1 DVD
  • Energy level: pretty good, I think the sun rising earlier now, after this past weekend’s time change, helps me get out of bed with much less internal struggle…which is rare on the weekdays!
  • Weight difference since Day 1: 3lbs
  • $ spent on juice ingredients since Day 1: $18 + $73 (prior total) = $91

Morning felt the same as yesterday…Felt a little slow and un-focused though at work – definitely missing my morning coffee. Instead I had my Carrot/Orange/Apple juice I made last night, which was much more enjoyable than day 1’s concoction!

Orange Juice (around 28oz):
  • 3 oranges
  • 6-8 carrots
  • 1 apple
  • 1 pear
For my lunch break, I didn’t really feel tired…just felt like I needed to lie down and do some meditation or something. So I went out to my car, re-parked it in a super shaded (quiet) area in the back of the lot, rolled down the windows and streamed up a ‘guided meditation’ on my phone. With my earphones in and my seat reclined back, I closed my eyes, did some deep breathing…and took a FABULOUS 30-40 minute snooze – I seriously felt amazingly refreshed afterwards!

My Green Juice was heavenly (probably because it’s mostly FRUIT! Haha)…definitely a keeper…even Kapri couldn’t get enough of it when I made my batch and ½ last night!

Green Juice (around 20oz):
  • 1 large handful of kale
  • 1 large handful of spinach
  • 1 average sized kiwi, peeled
  • 2 Granny Smith apples, whole
  • 1 banana (pureed in blender  with a splash of coconut water, then added to juiced ingredients)
  • 1 pear (not pictured)
**Used this article & this calculator to find calorie info on above Green Juice**

Also this evening, Kapri & I got to finally show James how to prep all the veggies/fruit & use the juicer…he was amazed at the process! It is soooo much easier when you have someone there to really help you, cuts the time in HALF!

After indulging in my almond milk, I put Kapri to bed…then I prepped myself a cup of “Smooth Move” tea. I felt a tad bloated in the afternoon and just wanted to make sure everything was ‘flowing’ okay ;-)

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