Sunday, November 11, 2012

Juice Cleanse - Day 7

Day 7 (Sunday – 11/11/2012)
  • Sleep: eh, bad – Kapri wasn’t feeling to great, so we were up a few times throughout the night
  • Feeling: ready for this to be over.
  • Exercise: nada…didn’t get nearly enough sleep to give me the energy needed to workout
  • Energy level: blah… juiced & did a little laundry & K’s not feeling well, so we just lounged all day with her
  • Weight difference since Day 1: 6lbs
  • $ spent on juice ingredients since Day 1: $40 today + $113 (prior total) = $153 total

Had my first Encinitas/Leucadia Farmer’s Market experience today…so happy I did! Though it was cut short because Kapri started feeling icky… but overall I’m pleased with what they had to offer. All the food samples and delicious smells wafting through the air made it pretty tough – I can’t wait to go next Sunday when I can actually try them! My sister & I did split a ‘green’ juice though, which was good and iced thankfully!

I stocked up on carrots (love those long green tops), kale, pomegranates, cauliflower, delish oranges…and even sampled a bite of my first Dragonfruit…which was pretty bland…the texture of a kiwi, but really no taste – sad!

Then I brought K home to nap, then left her with James while I ran back out to Trader Joe’s for items I didn’t find at the Farmer’s Market. I also bought some tomato soup, chicken noodle soup & minestrone soup for this week’s dinners.

Can’t believe I actually get to have DINNER finally…something that I can put in a bowl & hold a utensil for, haha yay!

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