Sunday, March 3, 2013

Faux Chalkboard Menu {meal planning}

The hubs has a new job as of a few weeks ago & no longer works nights (YAY!)... however now I feel like we really needed to meal plan since we'd all 3 be home together each night.

I've never meal planned. Never sat down & actually THOUGHT about meals for the coming week. Never shopped specifically for a certain week's worth of groceries to prepare meals each night.

Solution??   Pinterest of course!

THIS & THIS were my main inspirations.

I Google'd "chalkboard images" and found a plain 'faux' chalkboard to use. I uploaded it to PicMonkey, then added all the totally looks like chalkboard writing!! Then I printed it out in 11x14 paper & taped it up on my huge kitchen chalkboard.

 photo MejiaMenuBoard8_zpsf08de0c8.jpg

Then I hot glued on little mini clothespins that I had from a previous diaper cake. I printed out some meal options on card-stock using Word...I inserted a 3x6 table, on 2 pages, all 1.15" x 3" so they were uniform.

 photo MejiaMenuBoard4_zpsc833a3a5.jpg

I found the unfinished wooden frame at Michael's for $8, then painted it teal to go with the other teal accents in our kitchen, then adhered it onto the main chalkboard.

For the extra meal cards, I just stuck those in a binder clip, and hung it from a clear hook with a sticky backing. I absolutely love how it turned out!!

 photo MejiaMenuBoard6upclose_zpsd49156e7.jpg

Who's hungry?!! I can't wait to start meal planning finally! I also compiled all the recipes for each card in a Word doc, in alphabetical order, in a binder - so that when we do sit down to plan, we can flip through the pages & make sure to write down ingredients we don't have on hand, to pick up at the store. Love being organized ;-)
 photo MejiaMenuBoard3_zpsfcdcf7ad.jpg

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  1. This is adorable! :) Great job!

    1. Thanks Ashley, it's definitely coming in handy!

  2. This is really cute; I'm loving that frame, beautiful teal! Thanks so much for linking up to Inspire Me Wednesday!

    1. Thanks Mel, I know the teal color just makes me happy!


Would love to hear what you think!! {sorry for the 'word verification' box, I just really hate SPAM comments}