Saturday, April 6, 2013

Cutest Baby Shower - EVER!

Baby showers have become more & more stylish over the years, especially with the explosion of Pinterest - people are FILLED to the brim with ideas on decorating everything from your house, to nursery, to weddings & parties.

I had a feeling while getting ready for this one that it'd be pretty special...even the location was amazing - tucked away in a little (and by little...I mean huge & exclusive) gated community that contained houses/mansions, which were nothing short of AHHHmazing. Living in San Diego, and right next door to RSF, I'm somewhat accustomed to seeing very nice homes, but as I drove through this particular jaw was on the floor. I just wanted to know one thing.... "what do you people do for a living?!!!!" haha

Anyway, the actual shower was held in the local community room/center (that was flawless in itself), located right on this little lake, surrounded by beautiful homes & lush landscape. We couldn't have hoped for better weather - the whole day was stunning.

I arrived to find adorable shower decor in every inch of that place & being the person I am... took note of all the tiny details the hostess' put into it...I could tell they spent countless hours making everything to ensure it was perfect:

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The glowing mamma-to-be {Christina} is a long time friend, who's husband actually used to share an apartment with James & I many years ago. They are high school sweethearts like us, so I love having that common bond with them. They also married in the same location we did - though entirely different theme & feel which was so fun!

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My gift set - coordinating necktie onesie, clip-on bowtie, & burp cloth - cannot WAIT to see baby Lucas rockin his new CfC gear:

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As she opened my gift, she knew by looking at the front of the card that it was me, haha! I'm such a sap, I totally cried writing on the back of it...remembering Kapri as a baby just brought tears to my eyes. It all goes so fast!

Along with the above baby gift set, I also made her a nursing cover from fabric that she'd seen in an Instagram pic and specially requested it a few weeks prior.
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Congrats girl & thanks for having me at your out-of-this world, beachy baby shower!!! Can't wait to see how little L's first b-day party turns out! haha

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