Monday, October 28, 2013

Annual Pumpkin Patch Visit 2013

I love the Pumpkin Patch we go's in Del Mar called the Pumpkin Station. We go every year, with the exception of 4 years ago when K was just 5 months old, and we went to Bates - which was hell. Parking was hell. It was packed as hell. And it was HOT as hell.  So we kinda decided right then & there that we'd find something else, closer to home.

And we did!

Each year there's a Groupon deal they offer as well for rides. And now that K & the other kiddos we typically go with are bigger and love to go on more rides - it's a great deal!

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Of course what Pumpkin Patch visit would be complete without first stopping at Starbucks for some hot chocolate & Pumpkin Spice Lattes?? mmmmmm

And seriously...the grey chevron infinity scarf of mine that she has on....too damn cute!
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And here's are finished carved/decorated pumpkins! Can't go wrong with glitter & glue in the eyes of a 4yr old!
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