Thursday, November 28, 2013

Beyond Thankful {Happy Thanksgiving!}

I. Love. Thanksgiving.

Sureeee the FOOD is spectacular...all my fav things on one table (or more in our case, with different families to visit, sometimes on different days too!). But I just love how one whole day is dedicated to remember how THANKFUL we should be for soooo many things. Just take a look at our annual "Thankful Board":

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This year Kapri could contribute to the board, by writing what she's thankful for all by herself! Note the few scribbles along the bottom: "Thanksgiving, Friends, Cookies, Trees, Mom & Dad" - adorable.

We started the day off super early....and not to get up & put a turkey in the oven....but instead, Nic, Amanda, Trav & I (oh and Nic's two kids, one of whom was pushed in the jogger by Trav, bless his heart and strong legs!!) all decided to do the Oceanside Turkey Trot 5K - that was a first for us! We were all so excited to run and burn some calories before we went to our separate places to fill our bellies.

It was SUCH a beautiful morning...and to top it off, we ended the last leg of our run on the boardwalk, right along the beach - seriously perfect.

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I was SO proud of Nic & Amanda - for both running (or at least slow jogging at times) the ENTIRE 3 miles. I had taken up running again here & there, finally being able to run 2-3 miles without rest/walking (thanks to all my strength training and HIIT classes!!!)...but neither of them had really prepped in terms of running prior. But they powered through and we all finished together. SUCCESS!!

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Way to go ladies!!!

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After the race, I headed home to get ready for dinner at my aunts....which I sadly only took TWO flipping whattttt?! Who am I??

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Oh and this ahhhdorable one of K waiting ever so patiently on my bed, waiting for me to get ready....while reading a book to her babies! Melt. 

Then the next day we had another Thanksgiving Dinner with James' mom, her hubby, Steve & Amanda - I made sure to get a least more than two pics this time!!

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