Thursday, September 5, 2013

Kapri's 1st Flight!

Keeping a secret is hard enough, let alone one for your child that you KNOW they will be super stoked about. My sister & I had planned a trip to go visit her while she's temporarily in Arkansas months ago... so I, like most parents, knew I'd have to wait until the very last moment to even mention our exciting plans. Otherwise, you'd be inundated with the kid asking everyday if it's "time to go yet?" and/or run the risk of their inability to fall asleep the night before - no bueno!

She'd asked about going on a plane dozens of which I would always reply "someday honey". A couple times over the past few months I couldn't help but sneak a smile when she'd mention 'missing SiSi' or her seeing a plane and wanting to go on one. Sneaky mamma & auntie...what a ride we had in store for her!

So on the morning of August 31st, after secretly packing both hers & my stuff over the prior week, I woke her up around 4:45am. With James capturing the moment on video, I told her that it was time to wake up, get dressed and hop in the car....because we were going on a PLANE to visit & have a 4-night sleepover at SISI's house!!! She was mega-happy...but did tell us that since we woke her so early, she "thought it was Christmas" - LOL! Silly kid

Being in the airport was of course so fun for her as she watched every single plane glide down the runway & take off in flight. When it was our time to board our plane she couldn't contain her excitement! I let her pick a window seat and get cozy.... this mamma was super prepared - here was my carry-on list of necessities:
  • New coloring books/crayons
  • Dollar store puzzles in little tin containers
  • Her 'lamby' and a light blanket
  • An extra change of undies & clothes - just in case
  • A stack of new books I scored for ridiculously cheap at a local re-sale shop
  • Her iPhone (my old one) full of educational apps (plus 2 new ones she's now obsessed with)
  • An external battery to charge our phones
  • TONS of little snacks & bars...including our fav watermelon gum to chew during take-offs & landings
  • And a new portable DVD player with 4 new movies - seriously the BEST investment I've ever made - such a life saver....AND it has a mount to install it to the seat of my car - perfect!

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I am happy to report that she did wonderfully during both flights, there & back - first was about an hour to Phoenix... then hopped onto another plane from Phoenix to Little Rock, which was about 2.5 hrs. Super proud of my little flyer....she listened & she was was awesome!

We spent the next few days all over Searcy & Little Rock... exploring "Sandy Beach", which is a little lake in Herber Springs...including picking up a little sandy froggy that crossed our path. Tasting local food {and a pretty spectacular Honey Vanilla Bean Latte from the Midnight Oil Coffeehouse...mmmm}.

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Escaping the heat & humidity at Wild River Country water park in Little Rock - which was a first for Kapri - and she had a B.L.A.S.T., especially loved the wave pool and went down some BIG water slides!!).

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Playing with my sister's cat Pumba (tirelessly) and making healthy food, fresh apple juice & yummy homemade fruit sorbet with SiSi's crazy-awesome juicer!

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Walking around Little blistering 90-ish (felt like 150) degree weather...what troopers we are:

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...finding a truly unique little gem of an eatery called "The Root Cafe" - so delish! I was just obsessed with all their vintage nic-nacks... mason jar & bottle collections, and just overall coziness of this place. They had open stock of smaller mason jars to fill up your water with, and adorably mismatched silverware & cloth napkins - such charm!
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We also checked out an eco-friendly store across the street  from The Root Cafe, called "The Green Corner Store" - complete with a full ice cream & soda-fountain bar, and tons of locally-made organic gifts & products! Just ooozing adorablness!
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We also got to see the movie "Epic" at a super old movie theater, "Cinemark Tandy" that only cost one...I repeat...ONE dollar per person...whatttt?!!

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It was a busy few days, but we enjoyed every second...making it SO hard to say goodbye to our beloved SiSi. Quality time with family & loved ones is seriously so important...we were so lucky to be able to visit & cannot WAIT for her return to SD in Dec., and hopefully another plane trip in the near future!

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