Saturday, November 27, 2010

Overdue girls night

So, as my last post explains, I went up to surprise Alex for the weekend. Two other girls live up in the Bay area as well...Lindsay & Noelle - all 3 were in my wedding. And Lindsay's sister, Laura, lives near Alex too... she sang "At Last" at our wedding reception! Luckily, we were all able to coordinate a night to get together for a girl night last Sunday. We were wayyyy past due on a girl's dinner!! So Alex recommended a little thai place, called Sweet Basil Thai - which was seriously AMAZING! Look at these reviews! I'm no thai food expert, so I let the other experienced ladies order. They got tons of apps, a bottle of red wine & a few entrees for us all to share. I savored each & every bite!
Noelle, Me, Laura, Linds and Alex

We shared stories, old & new, talked about kids & life, laughed...a lot - and pretty much closed the place down! I didn't want it to end. I noticed after the cleared all our plates, that they brought out these smaller plates, and wondered what we were eating next...we were all so full, and I didn't hear anyone order anything... so I thought maybe there was some thai dessert served with each meal, regardless.

Then, mid-convo, I noticed one of the waiters walking towards our table, with a large plate and shielding the front with his hand...there was a candle.

Then...on the speakers (one was right in the upper corner behind me), came the "happy birthday" song...

I thought to myself, "oh my god...whose birthday did I forget!??" But all eyes were on me.

Holy crap...this is for meeee!!!

My birthday is not until Nov. 30, but these wonderful ladies surprised me with a little early celebration dessert. This dessert was a generous scoop of smooth, creamy coconut ice cream, surrounded by tasty little fried banana bites. Heaven. As my face reflects below:

If anyone knows ME...then this "O" face should give away what the desert consisted of.

Soooooo sad when it was gone...scrapped the bowl clean!

Oh, and speaking of's a pic that Alex's husband Mitch insisted I take before we cut into it. I made this for us while was scrumptious and SO this Banana Banana Bread!!!
Hahaha...and I made Banana Crumb Muffins this morning...I know, I know....I'm obsessed with bananas. That's probably an understatement!

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