Monday, November 22, 2010

I wish...

...that I could bottle up the sweet newborn baby smell and have it forever!! Today is my last of a little weekend trip I took to fly up to San Francisco, to surprise my great friend Alexandria, who endured 30 hrs of labor for tiny little Ava Spring Romeo:

Isn't she just the cutest lil snug bug??!

Anyway, she was definitely surprised as I stood outside her front door next to her husband, who thankfully was able to keep such a big secret for 3 weeks!!

This wasn't a trip intended to explore the area or go out partying at night... This was a trip dedicated to lending a hand, an ear, a my 1st time parent, sleep-deprived friends. Ava's features are the perfect combo of her amazing parents... She also hates being too warm or sitting in a dirty diaper for more than a minute...she let's you know for sure!! Though I can't blame her, haha!

I'm leaving in a few hours...and though I'm so sad to leave (and can't bottle up that yummy baby scent), I love that I'm walking away with some wonderful, irreplaceable memories. I also cannot wait to see James and Kapri, the time away always makes me grateful to have rhem both. Just to see her face light up as she gently calls out "mamma" and runs for me, as I scoop her up in my arms... hold her close & kiss her sweet cheeks til dawn... I wouldn't trade that for the world.

I LOVE being a 'mamma'!

(BIG thanks to my sis who bought my plane ticket for me! Love u stis, xoxo. Also, I'll recap my little trip with more pics on the next post)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone...please excuse any typos!

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