Thursday, August 18, 2011

I'm a BIG KID now!

So, yesterday Kapri completed her very first (looong) day at preschool! OMG, I was kiiinda stressing on the drive there. I had butterflies...WTF?? It wasn't MY first day of school! haha

I woke up, got myself ready...then woke her up around 6:30, so we could leave by 7:30ish, be there by 7:45 and leave by 8am. She's never had to be woken up before like this...normally she is our alarm, which is around 7:30/8am...but as soon as I flicked on the light, she woke in a flash..."GooMorring mamma...PRESCHOOL!" - that was her exact, first sentence outta her mouth. We got her changed, fed, took a few pics (tried to anyway...she was a ball of excitement!)...and even squeezed in a little snuggle time on the couch along with a quick book or 2. We grabbed her, her backpack & lunch bag...and headed out. (of course I had to embroider those, to go along with her previously embroidered lamby for nap time!)

wish I had found an Ariel one...she's sooo into Little Mermaid!
As soon as we took her in, she went running around from toy to a kid in a candy shop, or toyshop (literally) LOL! After going over a few things with the owner, we went to say goodbye...K was oblivious, so naturally I got emotional...didn't think I was going to really...but then it just hit me after a little hug & kiss from her. All day I resisted the urge to call & check in..."would she even NAP...on that sleep-mat (no crib!), with other kids around", "would she use the potty like she does at home", "would she tell them when she's hungry/thirsty...would she STARVE!?" "would kids be mean to her...would SHE be mean to them??" ...oh man, I was a freaking stress basket, tearing up again on the drive to work...but luckily meetings & busy work kept me focused on other things.

After work I anxiously drove to pick her up...I had prepped by scouring the internet for this article...that helped assure me that IF she had a mini-meltdown upon my arrival, it was totally normal...and it did in fact totally happen. More so in the sense that she just did. not. want. to. leave! And was most likely exhausted from all the fun she'd had....and *hopefully* missed James & I, haha. She absolutely loved it!! I was able to walk in & head back to the yard area, where I went unnoticed as she excitedly ran & played with another kid - it was a very reassuring moment...that this was a great fit for us all!

Ms. Anne said she did amazingly well...and that one would think she'd been here for years, rather than just her first day. So that meant she was very comfortable right off the bat. She painted a ton of pictures, had fun with playdoh, stacked blocks, ate well, SLEPT well (miracle), loved playing outside...splashing water with others, and actually used the potty all day long...she's such a big girl now!! She cried only once upon waking from her nap, but that was due to being unfamiliar with where she was at first. After a quick, soothing back rub, she fell back asleep for a bit. All in all, it was a fabulous day...happy child...happy parents ;-)
Some of the artwork she made - just realized this wall tucked around the corner from our living room was perfect for hanging up a few of her masterpieces!

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