Monday, September 26, 2011

iTan Recap - Week 1

iTan just continues to impress me. I've come to the end of week 1 (of 10) and I'm feeling great!

Here's a quick recap vid...but, if you're interested in reading in more detail about a specific service/product (or my whole 1st week), click "read more" below. **NOTE - there's also a 'product overview' video under the "Tuesday" entry**

This is a rather lonnnng post, since this was my 1st week. I promise the future 'weekly' posts will not be this long! I just wanted to make sure that I captured as much detail as possible, for those that want real insight into each of the services that iTan offers. ;-)

Sat. 9/17/11 - Red Light Therapy / Sun Angel
I started with a 15-minute red-light therapy session, in the "Red light therapy" bed, which is similar to the Beauty Angel...except it's a standard 'lay down' type of bed (instead of standing) and there's no 'vibra-shape powered massage'. Prior to getting in this bed, I was told to spray myself down with the Beauty Angel "Effect" spray (to use immediately before a red-light sesh to help build collagen & reduce fine lines/wrinkles) - which felt okay, a bit sticky - I was told it may tingle a bit...but it never did. The red lights in this bed are BRIGHT, but there are no UVA/UVB rays, so you can't get tan or burnt from it. I was told that I should see 'results' from this after 3-4 sessions. YAY! And this is something that's safe to do every day if I could.
After that I went straight into the 20-min Sun Angel bed - I was SO excited to finally try it! You first have use a small hand-held sensor over your forehead...then on the lightest part of your body - which helps to detect your specific skin tone/type, thus automatically adjusting the UV light accordingly.
Sun Angel - handheld sensor
Then you apply your lotion...I used "Cypher" for all over body lotion, then the Cypher-Face...for my face/neck. The contoured bed was heaven and you can control the facial & body fans as well, which is always a huge plus for me. I wish I had remembered to try the facial mist/aromatherapy spray during the session...oh well, there's always next time (see Thursday's review below).
Sun Angel Bed
After showering, I tried the SlimLine "Celiminate" cream on my 'problem' areas: tummy, thighs, butt & that little area in-between your arm pit & your chest. About 30 seconds later...OMG skin got really, really red & hot. I was worried. So I looked at the back of the tub, and it said "Sensitive skin may experience slight, temporary redness and/or irritation"...okay, phew. It finally subsided about 20-30 min. later, but I'm curious if this is a good or a bad thing. I'll have to research & ask the iTan fam about this.
Slimline "Celiminate Cream" and "Slender Serum"
I also applied the Slimline Slender Serum oil on the rest of my body (which is supposed to temporarily help the elimination of excess fluids). In addition, I used the Beauty Angle "Focus" lotion on my face after washing, and the 'to go' tooth whitening pen, just before bed.

**NOTE - after trying the Celiminate cream for a few days...I've noticed that immediately applying after a shower is when my skin got really red/hot. Also when using a large amount. So IMO, it's best to use this in smaller amounts, any time of day, just NOT after the shower!**

Sun. 9/18/11 - Red Light Therapy / FIT Bodywrap / Lumiere Facial
Oh man, this was a LONG day at iTan. First I did the Red Light Therapy bed for 15 minutes, since the Lumiere wasn't immediately available. Then I got prepped for my 70-minute bodywrap. Luckily I've done this once before, so I knew what to expect going into it. I sprayed myself down with the FIT Booster product - which is supposed to 'amplify bodywrap results', like: Anti-Celulite, Stimulate breakdown of FAT, Inhibit accumulation of new FAT and Stimulate detoxification of the skin. Then I got as cozy as one can, in the clear, full-body plastic button-up 'gown', & laid down under the 130 degree (max) heated pads. I also remembered to take my body measurements & weighed myself right before/after. Sadly, there was no significant change, except for a tad off my waist - like maybe an inch. I think I should've drank way more water before I went in. Again, there's always next time.
FIT Bodywrap
However, the bodywrap room at the ENC salon needs a bit of 'work'. I highly recommend they invest in a fan with a remote & a fully operating TV/remote! When you're totally wrapped up in this thing for a whole hour, the last thing you want to do is get UP...adjust the fan...lay back down, then realize the increased fan speed is louder, thus the TV volume is way lower - but the TV remote doesn't work... So you have to get up again to turn up the TV volume. 

Immediately after I went for my 'facial' in the Lumiere. I didn't have the 'repairing' packet, as they're still on order...but hopefully will be able to try it out next time. I have a feeling that with continued use, the Lumiere will do wonders for my skin! The pic below isn't totally actually have to pull the unit down over your face, until it's about an inch away from your nose. Since it's a 20 minute session, it'd be nice to have some relaxing spa music playing, as I got pretty antsy mid-way through. Since the intense, bright lights are almost against your skin, it also get's very warm... not enough to break a sweat, but warm enough to wish you had a fan blowing around the room.
This morning I did feel a bit 'firmer' - not sure if that had something to do with the Slimline cream &/or oil... but after confirming with an iTan associate today, the redness/heat from the cream is totally normal. Okay phew. So I used more tonight after showering...only I used a bit less this time & only on my tummy, thighs & butt. It got a little red/hot for a few minutes, but not nearly as bad or for as long, as yesterday...yay!

Mon. 9/19/11 - Level 5 / Beauty Angel
Today I finally got to test out the Beauty Angel at the Del Mar salon during my lunch break - I've been pretty anxious to use it! First I did a level 5 booth for 10 minutes (using lotions listed below under "Tuesday's" entry).
Level 5 Tanning Booth
After tanning, I jumped on over to the Beauty Angel. Same bright red lights like the Red Light Therapy bed, however this little gem is a standing booth, that vibrates like crazy, depending on 1 of the 4 settings you select. It made me a bit dizzy at first, luckily it has loops above for your hands to hang onto. It was only a 12 min. session, with adjustable fan speed & music selection, so it was tolerable. It seemed like the faster it vibrated, the more my lower back muscles got 'stimulated', in a way. The less it vibrated, the more I felt it in my upper thighs. I just tried to imagine the vibrate of the booth, jiggling all my excess fat off, hahaha!
Beauty Angel Booth
Tues. 9/20/11 - Level 5 / Beauty Angel
Same routine as yesterday - Lovvvving all the products I've been using daily:
  • Morning:   Beauty Angel "Replenish" lotion (use between BA/red light sessions)
  • During Tan:   Cypher (body), Cypher face (face) & Australian Gold Bronze Minerals "LEGS" (legs)
  • Afternoon:   "After Glow" after-tan lotion (arms/calves/chest), Celiminate cream (tummy/thighs/lower back/butt)
  • During shower:   Slimline Exfoliation Scrub - has an interesting scent, not terrible, but definitely would prefer a yummier smell ;-) (to use between tanning sessions, as to not scrub off my tan!)
  • Before bed:   More Celiminate cream, Slender Serum oil (arms/calves/chest), Beauty Angel Focus face lotion, teeth whitening to-go pen (every other night)

    Wed. 9/21/11 - FIT Bodywrap / Lumiere Facial
    I actually remembered to turn fan on high in the beginning & turn the TV volume up really loud...didn't have to move once during the session, yay! Again no difference...even after drinking an entire bottle of water immediately before starting.

    *NOTE* - do NOT chew gum during your 70-minute bodywrap, as it will morph into an almost sticky-liquidy consistency after about 50-60 minutes...and you'll have no where to spit it out, until your time is up!

    For the facial, this time I was given a sample 3-step "repairing" packet - since my 'set' of them haven't been delivered to that salon yet. So it was nice to at least give this packet a try. Getting 2 facials a week (within my 10-week timeframe), should reduce pore size, even out skin tone/texture, lighten age spots/sun spots/dark circle AND help reduce the appearance of crows feet around my eyes. Ummm...that sounds like a miracle to me!
    Step 1 is to wash your face with the 'Preparation' scrub. Step 2 is the 'Treatment lotion, to apply after washing, and just before starting the session. Step 3 is the 'Aftercare' lotion. I encountered the sweetest iTan associate, who let me use her own personal Lumiere Brightening put on just before the facial session, on only the dark/discolored parts of my skin. The melasma (or "mask of pregnancy") that I got on my forehead & inner cheeks gets especially dark while tanning or being in the sun for long periods of time. So I put the 'brightening' lotion on those spots. Though I didn't notice an immediate difference, my skin felt wonderful after this Lumiere session! 

    Thurs. 9/22/11 - Sun Angel / Aqua Massage
    Today I had intended to use my lunch break to try out the Hydration Station for the first time, at the P.B. salon. However I didn't realize it was by appointment only...note to self. So I used the Sun Angel first, then tried out the Aqua Massage before heading back to work. I remembered to turn on the "aroma refreshing spray" - which smelled amazing! I couldn't quite distinguish what smell it was, but it was definitely light, clean & just lovely.

    It was a little odd...not how I imagined. You get in fully clothed, lay face-down, then lower the top. Once it starts, the water starts spraying into the plastic, which is laying all around your back/legs/etc. So you can feel the water pressure through it. You can control the water pressure intensity, from 1-9...I stuck with 7, as anything lower just felt like a tickle. It traveled up from your feet to your neck, then back down, over & over for 20 minutes. If you have a spot that you want to concentrate on, you can press a button to 'pause' the water to stay in that spot for however long you like. So if you have 20 minutes to spare, and need a little relaxation & massage, without an actual masseuse or even undressing...then this one is for you!
    Aqua Massage Booth

    Fri. 9/23/11 - FIT Bodywrap / Mystic Tan
    Today I had my 3rd bodywrap, followed by a nice warm Mystic HD. I'm definitely feeling more toned & 'light' in a way. Cannot wait to see what 10 full weeks of this sun/spray/spa routine will do for me!

    Sat. 9/24/11 - Red Light Therapy / Lumiere Facial
    I finished off my 1st full week of fabulous iTan services with the Red Light Therapy & my 3rd Lumiere facial treatment. My skin is feeling & looking's sooo incredibly soft & the lines/wrinkles on my face appear to be less prominent. This time I got smart finally, and turned on the "Zen Garden" station on Pandora, put my phone under my head/neck and relaxed...that definitely made me less antsy this time around. Highly recommend doing this if you plan on purchasing a Lumiere package.


    1. Each treatment takes a bit less than a quarter hour. More information on Skincare and Skin product reviews - click here.

    2. Each method works in a different way but each can be quite effective. These treatments are available in both medical and non-medical settings in Singapore. Source for more about medical aesthetics treatment.


    Would love to hear what you think!! {sorry for the 'word verification' box, I just really hate SPAM comments}