Sunday, October 23, 2011

Welcome little Jack!

My girlfriend Nic, who I made the Classic Pooh themed diaper cake for, finally had her little bundle of love... Jack - she chose not to find out the gender & be surprised in the hospital...ahhh, I could never do that! But she did....and he is finally here & adorable as can be.
Of course as soon as I heard she was going to the hospital, I waited on pins & needles to find out if it was a girl or boy. I wanted to bring a more 'gender-specific' gift, seeing as everything she's been gifted with already is either cream, yellow or green. Once I read 'boy' on my text Saturday morning (his actual due date!), I immediately got to work on a special onesie I've been dying to make.

Behold the insanely cute....insanely EASY necktie onesie that was the result of more inspiration from Pintrest (& I'll be adding it to my Custom from Calista collection BTW!) - I love it! He didn't at that moment captured below, because we unwrapped his cozy swaddle - but it'll be cute on him in just a few short months!
Along with the onesie, I gifted the new parents with a "Hospital Survival Kit" (thanks again Pinterest - got printables here!!!)
Nature Valley Bars, Goldfish, Chocolate Chip Cookies, Yogurt Pretzels, Face Wipes, Chapstick, Hair band/ties/pins, Tissues & Altoids

Congrats Nic & Ky...I'll be bringin you some homemade "Mejia Style" Chicken Enchiladas soon!!!!! xoxo


  1. He is a cutie! Love the adorable onesie that you made too. That's so awesome that you made a Survival Kit, great batch of goodies you included! Thanks so much for the link :)

  2. @Jen @ My Own Road of course... when I saw the kit on Pinterest, I went out & bought everything right away! Gotta love Target for one-stop-shopping!


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