Friday, November 25, 2011

1st Annual "Mejia Sangria" Thanksgiving!

Oh goodness, where to start?! Well, to sum up our 1st ever 'hosted' Thanksgiving, I'd have to say it was 100% super successful! It started early and ended...well...REALLY late, the next day actually.

The crazy week began Monday afternoon, having to leave a bit early from work to take K to the doc... bad cold/cough that needed attention. Glad James made the appt & I took her in, they kept us there 2 hours, having K do two nebulizer treatments (more on that in another post, oye). Later that evening with my sister-in-law Amanda, who came over to review the planning our fabulous day of Thanks...which went into the weee hours of the night, finalizing alllll the little details for the next few days, sipping wine, and catching up (typical, ha!)

Tuesday was spent hustling at work to get things done since I was taking Wed. off to finish all my crafts I had planned. Tuesday night I barely got ANY sleep thinking of all the things I needed to do. Thank god for task lists on my iPhone (I use Wunderlist).

Wednesday was In. SANE. Up early to get ready, get K ready for school, greet the house cleaner, run errands, meet Amanda back at my house at 11...had lunch, ran more errands, came back home & crafted. All in all, I think I stopped at approx. 10 stores (two twice! ha), phew!! We carved & holed out 3 butternut squash (to use as flower vases) & a few mini pumpkins (to put tea lights in), how fab are these?!!

Then by 3:30 I picked up K from school and went straight to a follow up doc appt. Then my other sis came over to make 16lbs of mashed potatoes while I crafted (that was a chore, let me tell you!)...
her hands were clean, I swear!!!

We also got to pop open a bottle of some wine that had been delivered that day, which I won from Jesse Kovacs!! THANK YOU!!!
haha, love how I can see my reflection in each bottle while I took this pic

Then I didn't go to bed til 12:30am...oh man. At least I got my fabulous "Happy Thanksgiving" banner done & hung up - happy happy joy joy! Isn't it cute? Was hard to get a close up since it was so long!
It was just brown coffee filters, white doilies and some letter stickers, SO easy!

Thursday I got up around 6:30am to make cinnamon sugar monkey bread for us all to munch on while prepping Turkey dinner. We got the turkeys ready & in the oven by 8:30am - right on schedule. We set up the whole house with all our fun decor, prepped some other side dishes, completed our huge batch of deliciously strong "Sangria".
Our other centerpieces

We then celebrated the success of 1/2 our day, by popping open some champagne to sip while we finally got ourselves ready!

By 1:30ish the turkeys were golden & cooked to perfection...By 2pm most of our guest had arrived! What timing huh?! The men carved while the women chatted - everyone mingled & finally filled their was so much fun.

haha, poor lil guys!

I wish I would've remembered to ask our guests to add to our Thankful Board...ah well, there's always next year!

Somehow the time escaped me and by 7pm we were cleaning up, splitting up leftovers & cleaning like crazy (NOT fun). By 9pm everyone was gone, Kapri was in bed...and I told myself to get a nap before heading out the door around 11:45 for the earliest ever Black Friday shopping spree.

Of course said nap never body was EXXXhausted, but my brain wasn't ready to shut down. GRRR - how I wish I took a nap. Ah well. We had a blast planning this whole day and I couldn't have asked for it to go any more smoothly than it had. SUCH a fabulous, filling day....with enough leftovers for us to last an entire WEEK! SCOREEEE!

**please excuse the quality of all these pics....all taken with iPhones...cannot WAIT to get a new cam!!**

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