Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Happy 5 Years!

Five years of wonderful marriage...check! And what a whirlwind it's been, complete with the birth of our beautiful daughter, new jobs, new homes, new friends (some lost), new ventures, new dreams.

...and lots of ups & downs.

Happy 5 Years My Love!!! xoxo

Through it all - we remain strong & dedicated to each other as husband & wife. 

Through it all - we find time to say "I love you" at least once a day.

Through it all - we know that our love can withstand any storm.

However, it's been more than 5 years of being together. We dated for 8 before he proposed. So when you sit back & actually think about a couple with the packaging of "Highschool Sweethearts" - it makes most people say "awww, that's so cute...and that's SUCH a long time!!". I sometimes think about how crazy it is, to have met & fallen for each other, basically as little kids...and SOMEhow we've been able to grow up together, and still love each other so much. That's an amazing accomplishment in my mind!

Seeing him parent our child, seeing him aspire to be a great individual - it's warms my heart knowing that I picked the perfect guy for me.

I still remember how giddy I was when I was 15, telling my mom about 'this guy' at school and that we had a 'date' planned. I even remember what I wore on that date, so does he, haha! Ahh memories!

So for this anniversary, obviously we did the Palm Desert trip the weekend before... but we also wanted to celebrate the night-of as well. So today we each worked, picked up Kapri - then exchanged cards at home. I got him a watch display case and made 'us' a framed pic with the lyrics from the song I walked down the aisle to... "You're Still the One" by Shania Twain. These lyrics really spoke to me when I picked them...and they still ring true today! So I thought it'd be a sweet thing to have up in our room, just as a reminder to each other :-)

After that we all drove down to La Jolla, and had a little picnic dinner in the same spot that we married in. It was super overcast, so no sunset sadly... but after some crazy heat we've been having, we actually really enjoyed the coolness & clouds this afternoon.

We picked up food from SmashBurger and it was awesome!! Then we all just laid on the grass together, thinking about our time here 5-years ago...which happened to both fall on a Wednesday!! Kapri was born on a Wednesday as well... so I think that's just our lucky day of the week ;-)

I even wore the necklace from our wedding day
Perfect afternoon spent - love my little fam!

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