Monday, August 20, 2012

Another Palm Desert Trip!

Such fun times during our 3-night getaway to Palm Desert for our early 5-year anniversary this past weekend! This is turning into an annual thing, which I'm 110% fine with. Though next time I'm hoping we'll be able to bring Kapri, we missed her SO much by our last day there! Except that next trip will NOT be in the middle of summer...with 100+ degree temps, phew. Warm much?
We left after work on Thursday afternoon and arrived at La Quinta Resort for the first night. Holy heat. The intense humidity was a tough adjustment. As I walked into the room, I noticed our bed had a big gift bag on it....from my sweet bro/sis we love them! It was packed full of all kinds of assorted goodies and the nicest anniversary card. 

We spent the rest of the evening chatting away outside, dipping occasionally in the pool that actually felt WARMER than the air temp...blech. The next day we went out for a yummy breakfast, then grocery shopping to stock up for the weekend. The rest of that day was spent enjoying our freedom out at the pool, playing games, laying out, listening to music and lotsa laughs.

Saturday morning we got up early, made some yum breakfast burritos, then headed to our couples spa pedi appointment...yay for mega relaxation & champagne! After that - repeat of Friday afternoon...pool time! We had reservations for our early-anniv dinner at 8pm, so we decided to take a little spin around the community and golf course in the golf cart - so fun and such beautiful scenery!

Finally dinner time at Morton's Steakhouse....we arrived & grabbed a celebratory martini before being seated. Once at the table and looking over all the yummy food options, I quickly noticed that the top of the menu said "Happy Anniversary Calista & James!" --- ummm...awesome!! I felt so special :-)

My dish was so deslish - filet mingon, bacon-wrapped scallops and 3 huge shrimp with this amazzzing apricot chutney that I literally dipped every bite in....mmmm! BTW...I found the recipe which I'll be trying out for sure in the near future - here! For desert we ordered a chocolate souffle...but then of course our awesome waiter came around with another sampling of deserts to choose 'on the house', how could I not pass that up?! The one thing that immediately lured me in, was the brûléed cheesecake with strawberries and cream...such a sucker for anything 'brûléed'...and cheesecake was the desert we had during our wedding night - so it was the perfect choice!

Then they took our picture and printed out a copy for each couple - in their card it said "Great Times" and in ours it said "Happy Anniversary". What service!!

Love my man and our lovely company...seriously cannot wait to do it again!! Thanks for such a wonderful weekend :-)

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