Tuesday, January 14, 2014

DIY Race Bib/Medal Display

I am in love with my recent DIY craft....which I happily stumbled upon the idea randomly on Pinterest. I wasn't even looking for this craft, but when I saw it...I knew immediately I just had to recreate one for both myself, and my friend Nic for her birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY friend!!!).

Here are 3 ideas I used to help get my wheels turning: 
So my search began for a large frame, wide enough to fit the bibs and to hang the medals. I kept striking out store after store....when finally, buried in a back clearance aisle at Michael's, I found these 2 grey frames that were PERFECT!

For the letters, I used my Cricut Mini to cut "R U N" from grey scrapbook paper, to coordinate with the frame color:

I was going to spray paint the back, but decided on scrapbook paper inside the frame instead....though you can kind of see the line where I had to join the 2 pieces together, but I still think it came out great!

To hang the race bibs, I used 2 metal/magnetic-back hanging clips...and for the medals, I used 1 silver hook - all are directly on the glass with little adhesive squares, that hold up to 5lbs each....so I think they are pretty secure.

Can't wait to add more to this growing collection!!




  1. Hi Mejia! The blog is looking so cute. You filled the blog with valuable information. The medal display blocks are looking nice. Here a site which provides the medal blocks. I think this may help you. Thabks for the nice post.
    Medal Display

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