Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New Year's Resolution - Monthly Date Night {1 of 12}

Horrrayyyy for date nights!! I love that we sat down and made an actual plan for this year - there is literally a calendar print out of each month/day, and shows who's turn it is to plan.

January was James' - though he didn't have to plan much, as we decided to use a gift card to Cohn Restaurants, that we'd gotten from his dad for Christmas. We selected a place nearby, (rather than downtown where most the other restaurants were) called "Vintana wine + dine" - and it was amazing!

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Lucky for us, they were running an anniversary deal... 3 courses for $20.14 (for the 2014 year) per person!! That's crazy.

This place was oddly above a Lexus car dealership - but it was actually quite beautiful. They had an awesome outside patio with firepits & heaters and tons of cozy seating where you could have a drink while waiting for your table. I couldn't believe how busy this place was, especially for a Wednesday night. And although we got there wayyy earlier than our reservation, we were seated within 15-20 minutes which was perfect! 

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I was sooo happy when we were sat at our was one of the good booths, that over looked another portion of the dining room and a view to the outside. The lighting was super romantic and cozy, but with a nice flair of elegance.

Food was terrific as expected....ending with a "smore" custard dessert...just perfection! Definitely a great restaurant that'll I'll be recommending highly to others...and would be a great place for a special occasion lunch or dinner in the future.

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Can't wait for next month's date day/ be planned by me!!


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