Monday, September 9, 2013

DIY Wedding Emergency Jar

I sooooo wish someone had given me this before my wedding... damn you Pinterest for not being alive in 2006/2007!!

This is the most clever, practical gift... you just never know what you may need in case of 'emergency', the day of your wedding!! And you cannot lie that it's even cuter being in a mason jar! I had done a "Hospital Survival Kit" in a paper bag to give a new mommy...but the jar is just plain adorable.

In preparation for a small brunch get-together I was invited to for a friend, I stalked her Pinterest boards and found THIS pin - to which I proudly proclaimed: "I can totally do that!!" 

So here's the list of items I bought & jammed into the jar:
  • Kleenex
  • Band-Aids
  • Bobby pins
  • Advil
  • 2 'Wisps' -mini, disposable tooth brushes
  • Sewing Kit (with scissors, pins, needles, thread, buttons)
  • Tampons (you never know!!)
  • Seam ripper
  • Nail clippers
  • Tweezers
  • Nail file
  • Visine
  • Gum
  • Burts Bees Mango Lip Balm
  • Tums
  • Mouthwash
  • Purell
I'm kind of amazed this all fit inside ONE mason jar!!

And seriously how cute is this little sewing kit I found??

Then I found a little mini wooden chalkboard label (re-used from my street fair booth price stands), and glue some twine to the back...then wrapped it around the jar so it hung nicely. Added some burlap, a button, some lace ribbon...for extra cuteness. 

And for the lid, I just followed THIS super simple tutorial with some extra thick cloth fabric, polyfil & a glue gun.

love, love, LOVE how it turned out - it's all about finding the inspiration, then tweaking a few things to make it your own:

I think she loved it as well & hope she gets a little use out of it during her destination wedding in Hawaii next month :-)

In addition to the emergency jar, I also gave her a personalized wooden hanger, with her soon-to-be new last name in wire...perfect for hanging up her wedding dress the day-of!

This exceptionally beautiful, hand-made hanger was made by the super talented San Diego-based: "Burlap Babe" - who far exceeded my expectations, booth in speed (I ordered it with a day turn-around request) and in quality - I mean...I'm crafty & could have attempted this myself, but it would've looked like a preschooler made it! Check out Burlap Babe's site (linked above), her Etsy shop & FB page!

Can't wait to see pics of her dress hanging up on this unique piece of work:

 Congrats Crystal & Lucas!! 


  1. I so much LOVE this idea!!!! I know many a bride who could have used one of these! What a very thoughtful gift, love the personalized hangar too!

    I linked over from the Homemade by You Party where I am participating too with Spooky Spider Card and would love it if you'd stop by.
    Hugs, Antonella :-)

    1. Thanks Antonella! I know, love how easy & fun that jar gift is... will definitely stop by your blog!


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