Sunday, October 9, 2011

Button Crafting

Not sure what's behind my latest 'button' craze - wait....actually, I blame credit Pinterest!! I definitely got a few cute crafts out of it! These are pretty easy, but definitely a bit time consuming if you're a slight perfectionist like moi. For me it was the length of one of K's naps. Done & done.

My neighbor's daughter is having a 'butterfly-themed' 2nd birthday party outside on our perfect little greenbelt this afternoon. About a week ago I decided to make a framed pink & green button butterfly with her name on it, to go along with the theme. It's adorbs. Thinkin I could add these to my CfC site?! Butterflies, flowers, ladybugs...the possibilities are endless!!

Then after that was completed, I realized I had a good amount of orange buttons - so I made a burlap button pumpkin, on an old dollar store frame I had laying around. I love burlap! Gives any project a slight rustic, charming look. What made these projects a bit time consuming is arranging all the different sized buttons in a good layout. Then once you've achieved your desired look, you just pick one up at a time, glue the button then lay it back down. Of course, a circle is much easier than the butterfly shape!

It sits atop our dining room hutch, along with some complimenting orange poppies and my handmade, scrapbook paper & mod podged frame, with pic of our little fam from last year's pumpkin patch trip ;-)
gahhh, cannot believe how small K was just a year ago!!
I have another cheapy frame that needs some love...thinkin I'll make a button "K" for Kapri's room - would be so cute on the outside of her door...hung with some pretty sheer ribbon! burlap or not to burlap...Stay tuned...thinkin it's time to make a special 'burlap' crafts Pin board now! haha


  1. Love your hutch decor! The pumpkin is so sweet - - makes me want to dig into the buttons I have.

  2. @Catherine Thanks again! Buttons are so much fun & so versatile...time consuming to get them all laid out correctly, but worth it in the end ;-)

  3. These are SO CUTE!!! I love them! And they are so simple to make. Who knew?

    Found you from the linkup!



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