Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Street Fair Preppin

With just under a week to go - here's some booth prep I've completed...it's been a LOT of work, but I couldn't be more excited!!

Before/After of our old changing table to use for extra shelving at the fair:

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I found this mini faux-bird/water fountain at Michael's for 60% off - score! I thought it'd be perfect to display my biz cards, especially since it has some height to it, compared to most biz card holders:

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Bird Cage Display Rack I found at Kohls.com...love this rustic look...came with the clothes pins too!

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I had searched all over Pinterest for ideas on a 'directional sign' - I was thisclose to buying one for $30 + shipping... until I realized that I could probably throw something together myself. So I journeyed to Home Depot & picked up two 2x8 pieces of wood. Of course their saw wasn't working that day {*sigh*}... but at least that meant I got a discount, hehehe! While checking out, I sent out an 'SOS' on Facebook, asking if anyone had a saw I could use... exactly .5 seconds later I found my helper - a good friend of ours who lived down the street & offered to come by & help - yay!

He ended up pretty much cutting & putting the whole thing together - which left me with the 'tough' chore of paint...yippee! It took about 1 hour start to finish (including 2 coats of paint) and cost less than $15!

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Oatmeal Container Headband Holders - now I've done something like this before, about 2 years ago... but loved this look wayyy more than my past attempt. I made two of these 'headband holders', covered in burlap, glued to a wide-rimmed shallow vase from the Dollar Tree, and glued little 'sola flowers' on the top - so cheap & easy to make!

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My vinyl sign from Vista Print:

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My bags with labels & "thank you for your purchase" card - made by moi:

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My pocket apron:

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And finally, a simple preview of our setup when I did my trail-run the other day:

 photo PhotoApr2124157PM_zps28b76677.jpg

Side note - cute thing Kapri said to me during all this work and prep, taking over our house:
K - "Mommy...I'm proud of you"
Me - "Oh really...proud for what?"
K - "for all your hard work on the street fair."
Me - "aww toots, that's so sweet, thank you!"

Love that kid.


**Others not pictured in this post, as they are in past posts:

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