There was singing, there was alllllll the other kids, both older & a few younger than her...and she stood there, with one finger in her mouth most of the time - staring at the crowd of proud mammas & daddas....and occasionally at us, while we acted like total pageant-parents...mouthing to her silently "sing"... "SING!"..."dance Kapri, DANCE!!" over & over.
Humm...maybe next time I'll bust out one of those lolly pops in the depths of my purse & waive it above my head - then she'll sing! LOL:
LOL - it was cute & frustrating at the same time. Because she is soooo not like that at home...singing & dancing is a fav activity in our household - so what gives?!! I'm just gonna sum it up to stage-fright in front of so many random people whom she'd never met! haha
Anyway - after the 'performance', we got to hug our little munchkins, then go to the back patio for a yum potluck & drinks, while the kids either played in a huge bouncy and/or trampoline...said trampoline is IN the ground. Yes - IN the ground... like, they must've dug a HUGE hole, the exact height of the trampoline, so that the grass is right there next to the jumping part! Genius!! Totally prevents those mega high K had a blast with her BFF:
We're seriously so grateful for K's school & teachers - she's learned so much over the past 11 months... including the potty training bit...oye. So to show my appreciation...I hit up Pinterest to test out my version of THIS, which I pinned almost 8 months ago, knowing that I would most definitely do it!
"Thank you for helping me grow" ... awww |

what a lovely present! I hope you'll stop by and add this and any other posts you're proud of to my Wednesday What We Wore, Read, and Made Link party