Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve - Until Next Year, Buddy!

I am NEVER wrapping all of *Santa's* gifts last minute again... no idea why I thought that was a good idea to begin with!! With all the other things I try to get together on Christmas Eve...wrapping should be the least of my worries. So next year, I'm doing it ahead of time... hiding them well... and focusing my energy on other important, last minute things!

We/I almost forgot to set out Santa's cookies!!! Sheesh, that would've been bad... but luckily I remembered when I was putting K to bed... so we jumped up, plated the cookies, poured the milk, set them on the fireplace and took a few pics:


Having hours of wrapping ahead of you... knowing full well that your child will probably wake up between 6-7am - yeah, NOT good. No amount of coffee can help that.

Anyway - we finally got mostly everything done...yay! Thought I gave the easy things James - all he had to do was fold & simply place inside boxes... we both know I'm the pro-wrapper between the two of us ;-)


And I have to say, I'm officially OBBBsessed with these little Santa gift tags I found HERE {this chick has TONS of free printables for every holiday!!} - think I'll use them every year!!


Here's a recap of Buddy's 'efl-capades' this year (& here's 2011):

click for an enlarge photo to see the detail!

The picture with Buddy & Jessie, sitting next to the iPhone - was pretty funny.... Buddy took a few 'selfies' on the iPhone, Kapri thought it was silly!



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